Iceland, a country between magic and reality.

Created by volcanoes about 20 millon years ago, and a fairly long time covered by glaciers, Iceland has been out of any human knowledge a very long time. Only in the 9th century AD, the first permanent settlers, the vikings, set their feet on this land. Even today, Iceland shows itself in that kind of unspoilt nature, it has always been und allows to feel the history of origins throughout the country.
Whether the steep slopes of the fjords, the hot springs in the areas of the active volcanoes or the glaciers, that still cover a considerable part of the island, all this forces the inhabitants to adapt to the given facts. But nevertheless every effort to cultivate something of the soil can be destroyed by the next demonstration of the elements. Once and again in latest history catastrophes have killed thousands of people and gave a hint to the inhabitants that nature can not be kept under control and commanded the highest respect of them.
All of this has formed the awareness of the people and stimulated their imagination. It is also underlined by the geographical position of the island in the north with never ending days in summer and long lasting darkness in winter.
Iceland offers its visitors an extraordinary, multi-faceted experience of nature out of barren highland with its facinating deserts of lava and a partly impenetrable plexus of glacial streams up to beautiful waterfalls, colourful mountain ranges, bizarre shapes of rocks and glaciers that even reach down to sea level. gives You delightful impressions of this island in the northwest of Europe with its extraordinary as well as varied landscapes.